Frequently asked questions | hvv switch Hamburg | FAQ | hvv switch



If you are not yet eligible to borrow a vehicle due to your age and/or the length of time you have held your driver's license, the corresponding vehicles will be marked with a lock on the card. The following minimum requirements apply for using the car sharing services of our partners:

SIXTshare: minimum age 21 years // minimum driving license possession 0 years.


  • The following applies to vehicle categories S, M, L, XL: Minimum age 18 years // Minimum driving license possession 1 year
  • For vehicle category P (Premium) the following applies: Minimum age 23 years // Minimum driving license possession 1 year

Free2move: Free2move offers different vehicle classes (XS, S, M, L), which can be used with different minimum ages: Minimum age 18 years for vehicle class XS, minimum age 21 years for vehicle classes S, M, L.

In the SIXTshare vehicle fleet, there are also some premium class vehicle models that may only be borrowed from a later age and/or a longer driver's license possession period.

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The reason for such e-mails is important information about the limited availability of the hvv switch service. This general, contract-relevant reason obliges us to contact all customers. Such e-mails do not have a marketing or advertising purpose for which customer consent would be required.

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Vouchers in hvv switch are not applicable to the hvv DeutschlandTicket. We are not permitted to discount the DeutschlandTicket.

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Please contact the hvv switch customer service at

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This could be down to several different reasons. Your Internet connection might not be able, or you might still need to authorise locations services. The error could also be related to something else though. If you’re having trouble booking, please contact hvv switch customer service. We’ll try to solve the problem straight away.

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You just saw a MOIA shuttle around the corner from you and your booking request suggested another one? This can be down to various different reasons: It might be that the MOIA shuttle you spotted had already been booked by other customers and didn't have any more seats free. Or it would have had to make a detour to reach the next stop. The MOIA algorithm takes all these and many more factors into account to get you and your passengers to your destination as quickly and comfortably as possible.

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Drop-off zones are part of the Free2move business area. A drop-off fee is charged if you park the car in drop-off zones and end your journey there. In some cases, a fee is also charged if you start your rental from a drop-off zone.

You can find out more about Free2move's drop-off zones and drop-off fees here.

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You can find the network and tariff plans on the internet and in the hvv app.

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The stickers show you which car sharing providers are authorised to use the hvv switch point. Use may vary depending on the provider and location: If the hvv switch point is located within the business area of the car sharing provider, the rental can be started, ended and also temporarily stopped there. If the hvv switch point is outside the business area, you can only stop temporarily. Your current rental cannot then be cancelled. With cars from the station-based car sharing provider Dorfstromer, you can stop off anywhere, regardless of the sticker.

Tip: The business areas of MILES, SIXT share and Free2move are displayed in the hvv switch app once you have selected a car.


As the operator of hvv switch, it goes without saying that DIE HOCHBAHN stores your data in accordance with the regulations of the EU-GDPR. If you activate services offered by our partners, the required data will be passed on to these partners. Detailed information about this can be found in the General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of hvv switch and its respective partners.

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