hvv switch stations | hvv switch | hvv switch

hvv switch stations


You can use the majority of hvv switch points with cars from MILES, SIXT share and Free2move to their full extent, i.e. you can rent, end a rental or stop off. However, some hvv switch points are located outside the respective business areas of the car sharing providers. Please note that rentals can only be terminated at hvv switch points that are located in the respective business area of the car sharing provider.

With cars from cambio and Dorfstromer, you can stop at all hvv switch points, but only end the rental where it was started.

Tip: The business areas of MILES, SIXT share and Free2move are displayed in the hvv switch app after selecting a car.

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Currently, users of SIXT share, MILES and Free2move can use the charging stations.

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The hvv switch points may only be used by the affiliated mobility partners and their customers. The same applies to the charging infrastructure. Private users or non-affiliated mobility services can, for example, use the public charging infrastructure in Hamburg.

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For more information on using the charging infrastructure of SIXT share, MILES and Free2move, please visit the websites of the mobility providers.

If you have any concerns, such as a missing charging cable, please contact the respective customer service directly.

In the event of technical difficulties with the charging point, please contact Hamburger Energienetze on the toll-free fault hotline 0800/ 1 439 439. The hotline is available 24/7. Please note that Hamburger Energienetze requires the charging point number. This can be found on the side above the charging point.

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Unfortunately, we are not yet able to offer you a refueling or recharging function within the app.


If you urgently need fuel for your car, e.g. to get back to the business area, the fuel costs have to be paid privately. After the trip, send the receipts to sixtshare-hvv@sixt.com with the booking number, license plate number and bank account details. After successful verification, the fuel costs will be reimbursed by SIXT share.

Important for you to know: Refueling as well as charging is not incentivized with hvv switch by e.g. free minutes or similar.


You can charge the SIXT share cars with the charging card in the car or the chip on your key ring. How exactly this works, you can find out here.

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There might be several reasons why certain information is not displayed. It could be that there are no cars in your area at that particular time. Or that your Internet connection is not stable enough to load cars. If you think it is due to a technical error, please contact hvv switch customer service.

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The rental may be terminated within the Hamburg business area (exception: MILES vehicles may also be parked in other cities with MILES business area), at a hvv switch point (as long as it is located in the business territory of the respective partner) or, if it is a rented car from SIXT share, at a SIXT rental station (also outside Hamburg in other cities). You must ensure that the car is properly parked in permitted places in the public road space, according to the road traffic regulations for the next 48 hours. The rental may not be terminated in parking zones with parking discs and in residents' parking spaces.

If you want to return your SIXT Share car to a SIXT station, you can find information here.

As a general rule, parking is not permitted in the following locations or areas:

  • In parking garages, underground garages or on other covered parking areas.
  • In private parking lots (parking garage, backyard)
  • In residents' parking lots
  • In parking spaces with time restrictions that still come into effect within 48h after the vehicle is parked (see General Terms and Conditions).
  • In designated parking areas for electric vehicles (exception: e-vehicles)
  • In no-parking areas that are outlined in red on the map in the hvv switch app.

cambio and Dorfstromer offer station-based car sharing, i.e. the start and end of the rental always take place at the same hvv switch point. The rental of cambio and Dorfstromer cars may only ever be ended at the hvv switch point at which the rental was started.

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The hvv switch points are displayed in the car sharing section of the app on the map view as a red pin with a hvv switch icon. If you have not rented a car at the moment, it works like this: A small number on the pin shows you the number of cars that are bookable via the hvv switch app.

Clicking on the hvv switch dot will show you the name and address of the hvv switch dot as well as details about the cars that can be booked. The available cars can be clicked on. This way you can get detailed information and also start a reservation or rental if needed.

You will be shown the walking distance and the distance to the hvv switch point directly in the app on the map.

Important: cambio vehicles can also park at the hvv switch point. However, these are not displayed in the detailed view because this provider is not yet integrated into the hvv switch app and therefore cannot yet be booked via hvv switch.

If you are currently traveling in a rented car, this is how it works:

During an ongoing reservation or rental, the view of the pins changes in the app: The simple number at the top right of the pin (rentable cars) becomes a "PX". The "X" in "PX" stands for the number of free parking spaces on the hvv switch points to help you find a free parking space.

When you find or are shown a hvv switch point with charging infrastructure, you will notice another number on the pin, one with a lightning symbol. This number indicates how many charging points are currently free at the hvv switch point.

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The hvv switch app only shows you those cars that can be booked using the hvv switch app. Cars from other providers may legally park at hvv switch points, meaning that cars parked at a certain hvv switch point might not be displayed in the app.

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With MILES, you can refuel cars that are travelling with a fuel level of less than 25% via the hvv switch app - and it's easy to do digitally. To ensure that MILES covers the refuelling costs, you can only use the petrol stations shown on the map in the hvv switch app. Select a petrol station on the map and start the refuelling process via the hvv switch app. Please note: With hvv switch, refuelling processes are not reimbursed.

If your rental cannot be completed due to a low fuel level (less than 5%), please contact MILES customer service directly on (030) 8379-5103.

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