Please wait until the relevant authority sends you a payment request directly. The authority that issues the request will obtain your contact details from the owner of the car sharing vehicle in order to identify the car sharing customer who was the driver of the vehicle at the time of the traffic offence. The document you will receive by post contains all the information you need to settle the payment request.
SIXT share & Free2Move
You will also be charged a handling fee by SIXT share, which will be settled via hvv switch using the method of payment used for the original booking. Of course, you will also be sent a receipt for this transaction by e-mail as usual.
The authority first sends MILES the ticket. As soon as you have been identified as a driver, MILES will forward this to the authority. You will then receive the ticket from MILES by e-mail. The original will be sent to you by the fine office by post.
The ticket must be transferred directly to the authority. In addition, MILES will charge you a processing fee, which we will debit from your deposited payment method.
Also in the case of Voi, it may be that a fine is levied for an administrative offence. They will then come to you. The cost of additional fees can be found here.
If you receive a parking ticket and you don’t think it is justified, your best option is to contact the sender of the ticket, i.e. the issuing authority, directly.
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