Why has an amount been reserved on your PayPal account? | hvv switch | hvv switch

Why has an amount been reserved on your PayPal account?

While some services that you can purchase in the hvv switch app are debited from your PayPal account straight away (like hvv tickets, for example), in the case of other services an amount is authorised with PayPal at the moment of the binding booking. In the case of MOIA, this is the fare, which you are shown before the journey begins. In the case of sharing services, this is an amount that is charged at the actual end price after the rental has ended. For technical reasons, it might be the case that after cancelling a booking for free the reserved amount will remain in your PayPal account for some time, even though no costs have been incurred. This authorisation will be deleted again without a debit being made, after a period of 28 days at the latest.

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