Frequently asked questions | hvv switch Hamburg | FAQ | hvv switch



Please check whether the error message contains a particular reference to the problem or malfunction. If you still can’t identify what is wrong, please contact hvv switch customer service.

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Unfortunately no. The takeover only applies to hvv Card subscribers with the customer contract partner Hamburger Hochbahn AG (customer number beginning with the digits "19").

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The price for a MOIA trip is calculated from a basic price and a flexible price. You can find more information in the MOIA article “How is the MOIA price calculated?

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The hvv Card subscribers should be able to easily transfer their subscription to the hvv switch App.
You are not an hvv subscriber with hvv Card and would like to order a Deutschlandticket in the hvv switch app?
Then simply click "Continue to ticket" and your order process for the purchase of the Deutschlandticket will continue.

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When hvv Any has found out that you are no longer travelling and you are no longer at a stop, you can either check out yourself or hvv Any will do it for you. This can also happen a little later. However, you will only be charged up to the last stop to which you travelled or at which you got off. It doesn't matter how long you stay checked in afterwards.

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It is of great interest to us that you can easily and quickly transfer your hvv subscription to the hvv switch app. In order to provide you with sufficient customer service in case of queries, we write to our customers at different times. Maybe you just haven't been there yet.

Please note:  The transfer only applies to hvv Card subscribers with the customer contract partner Hamburger Hochbahn AG (customer number beginning with the digits "19"). 
If you receive the social discount Hamburg or are a student, a transfer or order in the hvv switch app is also not supported.

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How hvv Any works

  • You activate hvv Any before you start your journey, so that hvv Any recognises your starting point in the hvv as well as the bus, train or ferry you are using. hvv Any then creates a ticket for you that covers 100% of your journey with the hvv.
  • hvv Any then remembers your journeys, even if you change trains. So you don't have to do anything actively. Before activating hvv Any, you can add up to four children and/or adults; also within the day for a new journey.
  • You will only be checked out of the hvv when hvv Any recognises that you are obviously no longer travelling in the hvv.
  • In the background, hvv Any will calculate the cheapest ticket for all your journeys. You will then receive an invoice for this on the following day.
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The hvv app was developed as a pure public transport app whose most important functions are information and ticket purchase. Today's mobility offers you much more: in addition to bus and train, car sharing, e-scooters, ride sharing and other offers in Hamburg and the surrounding area can be used. The aim of the hvv switch app is to reflect this diversity and to offer you a central and simple access to your favourite mobility.

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Once you’ve registered successfully with the hvv switch app, you can start buying hvv tickets straight away. The app will guide you through the purchase process and ask you for all the information required, such as your full name and your currency (PayPal, debit-/ credit card or sepa direct debit). You should confirm your e-mail address within seven days.

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If you change trains, busses or ferries, you remain checked in because hvv Any recognises that you are still at a stop. If a change takes longer, please check if you are still checked in before continuing your journey. Sometimes, if the waiting time is very long, hvv Any may assume that you have finished your journey. If you are no longer checked in but would like to continue your journey, simply check yourself in again.

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