Frequently asked questions | hvv switch Hamburg | FAQ | hvv switch



You always start the loading-finishing process via the app.

After you have started the rental, you can complete the charging process by clicking "End charging".

After successfully checking the charging status, first disconnect the charging cable from the car. Depending on the type of charging station, the charging cable may also need to be disconnected from the station and stowed back in the trunk.

After successful completion of the charging process, you return to the current rental via "Okay" and can now drive off.

This is how you end the charging of a VW ID.3 (see video).

Important note: During the charging process, the car may lock itself.

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The pricing is up to the mobility partners. Please check the websites of the respective mobility partner for their conditions.

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If a car is not locking properly, this might be due to several different reasons. Please contact the customer service of the carsharing provider and they will be glad to assist you further.

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As soon as you have your renewed driving licence, you can revalidate it via the hvv switch app. To do this, select 'Your driving licence' in the menu and click on the button 'Validate driving licence' to enter your new driving licence data and then start the online validation.


Please check with your health insurance company to find out whether the cost of shuttle services are covered and whether hvv switch invoices are valid documents for receiving compensation.

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Occasionally an error does occur during the booking process. There are various different reasons for this, e.g. your Internet connection is unstable, there aren’t enough funds to cover your method of payment, or there isn’t a shuttle available nearby. The hvv switch app will give you an indication of the reason in the respective error message you receive. Please contact hvv switch customer service if you can’t resolve the problem.

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You can redeem your voucher code as follows:

  1. Open the offer in the hvv switch app for which you would like to redeem your voucher.
  2. Before booking, the line "No voucher selected" will be displayed. Click on the pencil icon to select a voucher.
  3. A page will open showing you your vouchers. Select your voucher and confirm with "Apply".
  4. Start booking and save!
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Unfortunately not. Voucher codes issued by our mobility partners are only valid when using the app of those respective partners. hvv switch doesn't issue any vouchers, nor can any vouchers be redeemed when using the hvv switch app.

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