My hvv switch point w/h Marcus Schild | hvv switch | hvv switch

my hvv switch point

reading time 3 min.

On the Paul-Roosen-Straße with Marcus Schild

Every hvv switch point is a story in itself - and an invitation to make a point. More than 180 hvv switch points in Hamburg offer a variety of ways to get from A to anywhere. We introduce you to exciting people from Hamburg - on their routes through the city. This time we meet Marcus Schild, owner of the Affenfaust Gallery.

Marcus Schild, head of the Hamburg gallery "Affenfaust" among works of art in the gallery.Art in a former supermarket branch: where Aldi used to sell milk and pasta, there is now 1000 m2 of urban art and contemporary art in St. Pauli - in the Affenfaust gallery. The sculpture of a red Superman cape by Martin Schneider, for example. Or the oversized painting of a VHS cassette by Johan Schäfer.

The place is not only special because of its location and exhibits: all works of art are labelled with price tags and can also be purchased in the online shop. One of the aims of this is to make art more accessible, say the gallery's two organisers.

One of them is Marcus Schild. He actually studied design and opened Affenfaust with Frederik Schäfer in 2012, where he shows works by artists from all over the world: from Hamburg to Brasilia.

Incidentally, Affenfaust stands for a knot from shipping, which symbolises the interconnectedness of culture and art. As an illustration, it adorns the gallery's logo. We met Marcus at hvv switch Punkt Paul-Roosen-Straße, which is right next to the gallery.

The question of why you chose this point probably seems to be unnecessary often do you use the cars or car parks here?

Generally speaking, I tend to walk or cycle. But when I need to transport paintings or sculptures, I need a car and it's right outside the door - very practical. When we have sold a work of art, I go to hvv switch Punkt, load it into the boot and drive it to the customer.

Has anything ever gone wrong?

Not in this context, fortunately. But I did have a mishap with car sharing in Berlin once: a few years ago, I forgot my mobile phone in a car in the evening, which I only noticed the next day. At the control centre, they told me which car it was - I don't think that's possible anymore - and so I was able to see where my mobile phone was going on the radar in the app. I tracked this Mini Cooper for half a day. At the end of the day, the mobile phone was still in the car. Lucky me.

You've been running this gallery since 2012. Was being a gallery owner always your dream job?

No, but today it's my absolute dream job. I only work with good people who are passionate about what they do. A lot with people from Hamburg, but also from all over the world. It's incredibly fun.

Are you from Hamburg?

Not originally. I was born in Neuss and moved around a lot as a child. I last lived in Bremervörde and then moved here to do my civilian service at the Evangelische Stiftung Alsterdorf. I stayed to study, and then came the gallery.

What was it like arriving in Hamburg?

I arrived at the main station on the Metronom regional train from Bremervörde. When I moved here, I first lived in a furnished room. So there was no big removal van. And I already knew the Metronom well: before I moved to Hamburg, I always travelled to Hamburg by train with friends to celebrate. To the Grüner Jäger, which was still an indie venue back then, or the Ahoi. And to the Schanze, of course. After this trip to do my community service, I stayed. And I still love it here today.

You've already said that. You're usually out and about on foot. What do you think of e-scooters?

I used them once at the beginning to test them out. But then never again: I'm a bit scared of them, to be honest.


They're too fast for me.

Is there a metro or bus line that played a major role during your time in Hamburg?

The U3 underground line is what has influenced me most about the HVV. I studied at the HFBK and lived on the Reeperbahn at the time. So my journey to work went from the Reeperbahn via Landungsbrücken to Mundsburg. I always prepared my university stuff on the train. For me, it's the most beautiful route you can take on public transport: It's elevated and sunny. I generally don't travel much on the underground, but if there's an opportunity to travel on the U3, I'm always happy to do so.

Do you have a favourite place in Hamburg?

I try to be at the Elbe as often and as much as possible.

Where exactly?

Actually, the Elbe is great everywhere. If I have to choose one place, I go for the Falkensteiner Ufer, where the campsite with Café Lüküs is. I spent a lot of time there during the coronavirus period and also worked there. Very relaxed.

Let's move on to art: what's on at the Affenfaust Gallery?

We're showing the Leipzig artist duo Doppeldenk in the large space and Alberto Lamback in the small, rear gallery Paul-Roosen-Contemporary. Alberto is an artist from Brazil who we are showing for the second time. In May, the street art collective Mentalgassi will be in the large space and Ronan Dillon from Ireland in the smaller one. He works with spray paint, which is normally used by Irish farmers to mark sheep.

And apart from your exhibitions, is there currently an exhibition in Hamburg that you would recommend?

Apart from us, I always recommend the Feinkunst Krüger gallery to everyone. I really appreciate them. Ralf Krüger is a great gallery owner and I really like his exhibitions. His programme overlaps with ours and is completely different at the same time. He is currently showing two artists who are doing great things: Paintings by ATAK from Berlin and sculptures by Sarah Pschorn. And what's more... I don't know if I need to mention it - but if you haven't seen it yet: the Caspar David Friedrich exhibition.

Marcus Schild, head of the Hamburg gallery "Affenfaust".

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